* 100% VAC2 proof. You will never get caught
* Full ESP. Shows enemy distance, Box Outline, Weapon, health and if they are reloading.
* Aimbot. Has 2 settings - League and Rager. Use League for undetected use, and Rager for all out headshots.
* No Recoil and No Spread - Hold down the trigger on your AK, and all the bullets stay in one spot.
* Hitbox Aimbot - Straight forward way to slaughter the competition
* Vector Aimbot - more accurate aimbot for custom settings
* Autoshoot - Auto shoots your enemys
* AutoAim - Auto aims for your enemys
* Smooth Aiming - For when you dont want people to know your cheating
* Hitbox Selection - lets you choose different parts of the body to hit
* Crosshairs - lets you choose from 5 selectable crosshairs
* Radar Hack - Shows all the enemys on the radar
* Weapon ESP - Shows what weapon your enemy has
* Visual ESP - Draws a box or cross on your enemy
* Distance ESP - shows how many meters away your enemy is
* Name ESP - Shows the enemys name
* Health ESP - Shows how much health the enemy has
* Entity ESP - Text overlay of fallen weapons
* No Flash - Makes flashbangs do nothing
* No Smoke - Makes smokebombs do nothing
* Auto Bunny Hop - Hold down space to keep bunny hopping
* AutoPistol - Auto changed to pistol when your out of ammo
* TriggerBot - The most advanced triggerbot there is
* SpinHack - Makes you always spinning, impossible for enemys to hit
* ThirdPerson - Lets you play in third person
* SpeedHack - Makes you run 2x-200x faster than normal
* AutoWall - lets you choose to shoot through walls or not
* Aim FOV - Lets you set the FOV on enemys to kill
* Aim Distance - lets you set the distance on enemys to kill
NOW for some info:
Delete key opens the INGAME menu.
Arrow keys controll the menu.
V key is default Aimbot.
Everything is customizible.
How to start:
1. extract the file.
2. run the .exe
3. start the game.
* 100% VAC2 proof. You will never get caught
* Full ESP. Shows enemy distance, Box Outline, Weapon, health and if they are reloading.
* Aimbot. Has 2 settings - League and Rager. Use League for undetected use, and Rager for all out headshots.
* No Recoil and No Spread - Hold down the trigger on your AK, and all the bullets stay in one spot.
* Hitbox Aimbot - Straight forward way to slaughter the competition
* Vector Aimbot - more accurate aimbot for custom settings
* Autoshoot - Auto shoots your enemys
* AutoAim - Auto aims for your enemys
* Smooth Aiming - For when you dont want people to know your cheating
* Hitbox Selection - lets you choose different parts of the body to hit
* Crosshairs - lets you choose from 5 selectable crosshairs
* Radar Hack - Shows all the enemys on the radar
* Weapon ESP - Shows what weapon your enemy has
* Visual ESP - Draws a box or cross on your enemy
* Distance ESP - shows how many meters away your enemy is
* Name ESP - Shows the enemys name
* Health ESP - Shows how much health the enemy has
* Entity ESP - Text overlay of fallen weapons
* No Flash - Makes flashbangs do nothing
* No Smoke - Makes smokebombs do nothing
* Auto Bunny Hop - Hold down space to keep bunny hopping
* AutoPistol - Auto changed to pistol when your out of ammo
* TriggerBot - The most advanced triggerbot there is
* SpinHack - Makes you always spinning, impossible for enemys to hit
* ThirdPerson - Lets you play in third person
* SpeedHack - Makes you run 2x-200x faster than normal
* AutoWall - lets you choose to shoot through walls or not
* Aim FOV - Lets you set the FOV on enemys to kill
* Aim Distance - lets you set the distance on enemys to kill
NOW for some info:
Delete key opens the INGAME menu.
Arrow keys controll the menu.
V key is default Aimbot.
Everything is customizible.
How to start:
1. extract the file.
2. run the .exe
3. start the game.
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